6 FREE Nifty and Thrifty Apps



PhotoSynth – A fun Panorama App for all your nifty adventures. It even allows you to make 360° images. Google Play users click here. Itunes click here.

Pulse – A great way to keep track of your favorite blog updates. Create your own catagories and just scroll through the posts. Google Play users click here. Itunes click here.

Dropbox – Easily transfer files between your smart phone and your computer. Google Play users click here. Google Play users click here. Itunes click here.

Adobe Photoshop Express – The features are basic, but a great way to quickly edit photos on the go. Google Play users click here. Itunes users click here.here.

TED – Nifty presentations by some of the world’s most interesting people.
Google Play users click here. Itunes users click here.

Yard Sale Treasure Map – It’s 8am on a Saturday. Are you sleeping or are you waiting outside your neighbor’s yard anticipating cool yard sale finds? Here’s a nifty tool that will help you crazy thrifty people. It organizes a “treasure map” by auto uploading sales from Craigslist. Also, it the user an option to add sales manually and organize your route. LOVE. Google Play users click here. Itunes users click here.

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