Long Night...

I spent the evening listening to a hour and a half long sales pitch for website design and promotion. I went knowing it was going to be a long evening, but I really wanted the FREE Mp3 player they were offering as an incentive to attend. I even convinced one of my friends to endure this with me. Well we got our prize and I am happy to report it will make the FREE Christmas gift list. WooHoo!!

Christmas Goal: Free Gifts

Items so far:
1 Mp3 player
1 Free t-shirt (plus s/h)
3 Magazine Subscriptions
2 Pangea Skin Discovery Kits (stocking stuffers)
$5 Gift Certificate from advertiser survey
FREE Tote & Wallet with purchase
3 Amazon Gift Certificates/Swagbucks
2 Flowered Salad Bowl Sets
2 Mini-Rex Sewing Machines

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