There's Nothing In The Fridge!

Hmm...This is a commonly used phrase in our house. I often wonder when I hear said phrase coming from my children's mouths if it's time for an eye appointment. But, I do understand the sentiment. It's frustrating to face a fridge with potential ingredients and not a clue as to what to make with them. Thankfully, there are many resources on the internet to help with just this problem. I've listed below some of my favorite sites that let you list your ingredients and they will magically produce recipes out of those ingredients. I've also listed one of my favorites sites, hillbilly housewife, that has an emergency $45 menu for a family of four. She also has a great page on making your own convenience foods. Take a look and let us know if you have any favorite food/menu sites.

Hillbilly Housewife $45 food menu
Hillbilly Housewife Homemade Convenience foods

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